✅ feat,fix(CaiBot):Add chat sync. Fix hotreload (2024-12-01)
✅ Spanish Support: Doc: es-ES Plugin: Challenger (2024-12-02)
✅ fix: ServerTool hook and RewardChest db error (2024-12-07)
✅ fix: ServerTool hook and RewardChest db error (2024-12-07)
✅ revert(apm): to ecdd24 to remove LazyAPI dependency (2024-12-12)
✅ revert(apm): to ecdd24 to remove LazyAPI dependency (2024-12-12)
✅ revert(apm): to ecdd24 to remove LazyAPI dependency (2024-12-12)
✅ generate main README automatically (2024-12-15)
✅ 更新:无限晶塔和LifemaxExtra,添加插件:TShockConfigMultiLang (2024-12-17)
✅ 添加插件 禁地表弹幕v2.0、自定义怪物v1.0.4.38,Chameleon v1.0.5 (2024-12-18)
✅ fix,feat(CaiBot): 修复使用外挂绕过登录的问题,UUID和IP合并以提高UUID登录安全性 (2024-12-20)