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技术教程 手把手教你用简幻欢开一个免费的 tModLoader 服务器——以旭日之记忆的灾厄整合包为例



This mod has an issue when loading a multiplayer world, says something alone the lines of that the server says you have 143 buffs but the clients says you have 264 buffs. It stops you from loading a multiplayer world
Please fix this mod. Everyone in my group should not have to set their max buff setting to the same as me in order to be able to join, and now I can't even start up a multiplayer world because it's saying "The server expects Player.MaxBuffs of 194 but this client reports 245."


This mod has an issue when loading a multiplayer world, says something alone the lines of that the server says you have 143 buffs but the clients says you have 264 buffs. It stops you from loading a multiplayer world
Please fix this mod. Everyone in my group should not have to set their max buff setting to the same as me in order to be able to join, and now I can't even start up a multiplayer world because it's saying "The server expects Player.MaxBuffs of 194 but this client reports 245."
  • 点赞
反馈: 忽望


This mod has an issue when loading a multiplayer world, says something alone the lines of that the server says you have 143 buffs but the clients says you have 264 buffs. It stops you from loading a multiplayer world
Please fix this mod. Everyone in my group should not have to set their max buff setting to the same as me in order to be able to join, and now I can't even start up a multiplayer world because it's saying "The server expects Player.MaxBuffs of 194 but this client reports 245."
  • 点赞
反馈: Zennnith